Introducing Fairewinds Podcasts

Introducing Fairewinds Podcasts

During 2016, we aim to provide you with both podcast and videos! Due to the fabulous infrastructure provided by our new web host SquareSpace, the Fairewinds website now includes a direct RSS feed to directly link up to our Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast. So, don’t forget to subscribe online at and add the Fairewinds Crew to your podcast listening favorites! 

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Fairewinds Talks With EON

Fairewinds Talks With EON

Filmed by Ecological Options Network (EON), Fairewinds is excited to share a conversation between EON’s co-directors Mary Beth Brangan, and Jim Heddle with Fairewinds Energy Education’s president and founder Maggie Gundersen and Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen at Point Reyes Station in California. In this “Tell All”, Maggie and Arnie discuss their lives as former nuclear energy insiders, the lies they were told and led to believe, and the subsequent impact of speaking truth to power as whistleblowers.

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