Nuclear: Leaning Tower of Vogtle: Arnie Gundersen & Libbe HaLevy of Nuclear Hotseat

Nuclear: Leaning Tower of Vogtle: Arnie Gundersen & Libbe HaLevy of Nuclear Hotseat

In this prescient interview with Nuclear Hotseat host, Libbe HaLevy, Arnie goes over the problems at the Vogtle nuclear reactor construction in Georgia, where the weight of the unit is already causing it to sink into Georgia’s red clay. Arnie analyzed the data that became the basis for the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL)’s petition…

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Houston Chronicle: Clamp Down - The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers

Houston Chronicle: Clamp Down - The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers

Attached are non-illustrated versions of Jim Morris’ series for the Houston Chronicle entitled “Clamp Down: The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers" from 1993. Fairewinds hopes these PDFs will assist viewers that seek to better understand how the nuclear industry silences whistleblowers.

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NRC Strips Whistleblower Protections

NRC Strips Whistleblower Protections

In sworn testimony in Monroe, Michigan, the NRC admitted that it has stripped whistleblower protection from the licensing of new nuclear power plants.  By flip-flopping on what it means to be an applicant, the whistleblowers who are truly looking to protect the public health and safety are having their lives and livelihoods jeopardized. Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen discusses what this means as utilities look for short cuts and cheaper ways to build new nukes.

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Fitness for Duty: Operating Under the Influence

Fitness for Duty: Operating Under the Influence

What oversight exists at the nuclear plant nearest you? On today's podcast Arnie, Lucas and Nat discuss the NRC's Fitness for Duty program for nuclear reactor operators, in which workers are periodically tested for mental health issues and on-the-job usage of drugs and alcohol. Fairewinds recently authored a report on the many industry-wide instances of nuclear plant operators coming to work under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Listen to our podcast and read our report to find out what areas of the country are experiencing the most violations, what is the nuclear plant operator’s drug of choice, and whether rates of drug and alcohol abuse have gone up or down in the past five years (hint: they’ve gone up).

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San Onofre to Shut Down Permanently

San Onofre to Shut Down Permanently

The San Onofre nuclear plant will be closing down for good, its operator Southern California Edison announced Friday. The decision comes 16 months after a small radiation leak at the plant, which later spawned allegations that Edison misled regulators about equipment in order to avoid safety regulations.

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