Prominent nuclear scientists did not recommend the atomic bombings of Japan

Prominent nuclear scientists did not recommend the atomic bombings of Japan

This week marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The events of early August 1945, which changed the course of human history, might have been prevented had the Truman administration heeded the advice offered by seven prominent and prescient Manhattan Project scientists…

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Houston Chronicle: Clamp Down - The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers

Houston Chronicle: Clamp Down - The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers

Attached are non-illustrated versions of Jim Morris’ series for the Houston Chronicle entitled “Clamp Down: The Silencing of Nuclear Industry Workers" from 1993. Fairewinds hopes these PDFs will assist viewers that seek to better understand how the nuclear industry silences whistleblowers.

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UN and Western countries covered up the facts on the huge health toll of Chernobyl radiation

UN and Western countries covered up the facts on the huge health toll of Chernobyl radiation

Soviet doctors treating Chernobyl-exposed suddenly had an unwelcome crash course in this medical problem. They found that radioactive contaminants, even at relatively low levels, infiltrated the bodies of their patients, who grew sicker each year. Gradually, health officials understood they had a public health disaster on their hands. Thousands of archival records document the catastrophe. Ukrainian doctors registered in the most contaminated regions of Kiev province an increase between 1985 and 1988 in thyroid and heart disease, endocrine and GI tract disorders, anaemia and other maladies of the blood-forming system.

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Atomic Veterans Were Silenced for 50 Years. Now, They’re Talking.

Atomic Veterans Were Silenced for 50 Years. Now, They’re Talking.

Nearly everyone who’s seen it and lived to tell the tale describes it the same way: a horrifying, otherworldly thing of ghastly beauty that has haunted their life ever since.

“The colors were beautiful,” remembers a man in Morgan Knibbe’s short documentary The Atomic Soldiers. “I hate to say that.”

“It was completely daylight at midnight—brighter than the brightest day you ever saw,” says another.

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