Maggie Gundersen

Maggie is a paralegal, journalist, mediator, and the founder and president of Fairewinds Energy Education nonprofit and Fairewinds Associates, Inc, a paralegal and expert witness testimony firm. As a former nuke industry spokesperson, she developed both firms to focus on atomic power hazards and create a new energy future worldwide with sustainable and renewable energy sources. Maggie developed protocols with scientific colleagues to establish and coordinate community-volunteer citizen-scientists to trace and report radioactive contamination in communities in the US, Europe, and Japan. Her work with Japanese citizen-scientists delineating the migration of radioactive microparticles at Tokyo Olympic Sites resulted in a peer-reviewed journal article's co-authorship. Maggie’s research and journalism at Fairewinds focus on the human perspective and planetary impact on life from migrating atomic radioactivity.

For research purposes, you may access Maggie’s ORCID profile below: