CCTV Interview—Fukushima Dai-ichi Meltdowns at 10

By Patrick Moore

Pictured (clockwise): Chiho, Margaret Harrington, Maggie, and Arnie.

Pictured (clockwise): Chiho, Margaret Harrington, Maggie, and Arnie.

For the sixth installment in our Nuclear Spring Series, we share Nuclear Free Future hosted by Margaret Harrington on CCTV in Vermont and was filmed on March 18, 2021. When Arnie, Maggie, and I lived in Vermont, Margaret frequently hosted Fairewinds Energy Education to discuss and present on nuclear related issues. Longtime Fairewinds supporters will probably remember that Margaret first invited Fairewinds on Nuclear Free Future all the way back in 2007 in an interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott and Maggie.

In this most recent CCTV Nuclear Free Future interview, Margaret Harrington invited Fairewinds board member and fellow Vermonter Chiho Kaneko, Arnie, and Maggie to discuss the ongoing fallout and unending crisis fostered by the March 11, 2011, Fukushima meltdowns.

Also in this interview, Chiho describes her own experience with the Fukushima Dai-ichi crisis and how it has impacted and will continue to affect her childhood home in Iwate Prefecture, a mere 150 miles north of Fukushima Prefecture. Chiho truly brings a human perspective to radioactive contamination's ongoing adverse effects on our environment and human health.

In addition to answering questions from Margaret Harrington, Arnie spent time discussing the recent article he wrote for Truthout entitled Japan Hasn’t Recovered 10 Years After Fukushima Meltdowns (you can read that in our Nuclear Spring Series, too). He also gave viewers a clear picture of the meltdown-induced radiation disaster in Japan and what humankind may expect in the future from this ongoing catastrophe.

Watch this interview below:

Our special thanks to Margaret Harrington for hosting Fairewinds Energy Education for more than a decade on Nuclear Free Future, and having Chiho Kaneko, Arnie, and Maggie come together for this Fukushima Dai-ichi 10-year Memorial program. There is an ongoing radiation crisis in Japan that severely impacts the health of children growing up in the aftermath of three atomic power meltdowns.

And, our heartfelt thanks to Chiho Kaneko for working with us to let the world know the truth about the Fukushima Dai-ichi meltdowns. We value her personal and professional contributions to Fairewinds Energy Education, the people in Japan, and others worldwide!