Whose Fault?

Whose Fault?

When we think of earthquake damage we think of buildings shaking and crumbling, pipes bursting and breaking. Diablo Canyon would suffer not only these traditional earthquake disasters, but also severe, dangerous mechanical threats. Arnie explains something engineers call "relay chatter". In three short video segments, he shows us what relays are and how a seismic event would wreak havoc at Diablo Canyon causing "relay chatter".

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Fairewinds Davis-Besse Petition to Intervene

Fairewinds Davis-Besse Petition to Intervene

Expert witness report examining the licensing basis for First Energy's proposed Replacement Once Through Steam Generator modification to its Davis-Besse nuclear reactor.  Fairewinds concludes that First Energy is attempting to avoid the more rigorous, full license amendment process, as Edison did at San Onofre with disastrous results.

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