Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Seismic Report Part 1

Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Seismic Report Part 1

In this podcast, the Fairewinds Crew discusses seismicity risks and atomic power with Fairewinds Science Advisor Dr. Leslie Kanat, a double Fulbright scholar and professor of geology at Johnson State College. Dr. Kanat explains the difference between fault and subduction zones, why earthquakes are near impossible to predict, and how history can and does repeat itself. 

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Arkansas: Nuclear plant fatality and tar sands oil pipeline spill

Arkansas: Nuclear plant fatality and tar sands oil pipeline spill

The Exxon-operated "Pegasus" oil pipeline ruptured in Mayflower, Ark. over the weekend, threatening local lakes and rivers with heavy "dilbit" crude from Canadian tar sands.

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