American Clean Power Association

American Clean Power is the voice of companies from across the clean power sector that are powering America’s future and providing cost-effective solutions to the climate crisis while creating jobs, spurring massive investment in the U.S. economy, and driving high-tech innovation across the nation.

Excerpt from ACP’s website:

ACP gives a voice to the renewable power sector to speak at a time when renewable investments can help rebuild our economy and address climate change. By expanding homegrown renewable energy development, production, transmission, and storage, we can help make energy more reliable, affordable, and sustainable for families and businesses while lowering carbon emissions, creating jobs, and expanding economic opportunities for all Americans.


Tells the Facts and Names the Names

Published since 1996, CounterPunch is reader supported! The CounterPunch website is offered at no charge to the general public over the world wide web. New articles are generally posted every weekday. A batch of several articles, including the Poet’s Basement, and Roaming Charges by Jeffrey St. Clair, are posted in the Weekend Edition.

Green World Blog

Green World Blog is the official blog of NIRS. News, views & musings for our nuclear-free, carbon-free future.

On the GreenWorld Podcast, NIRS shares news, views & musings about how the U.S. can create a sustainable energy future without nuclear power – and all the radioactive waste and materials involved in the nuclear fuel chain. Tune in to hear the latest news about nuclear energy and waste policy in Washington D.C. and stories from frontline communities across the nation facing nuclear risks and environmental injustices from reactors, waste sites, uranium mining, and more. You can subscribe or listen to the GreenWorld Podcast at link below.

The Center for Biological Diversity

The Center for Biological Diversity believes that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, the Center for Biological Diversity works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction and does so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.

Center for Environmental Health


CEH protects people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, consumers, workers, government, and the private sector to demand and support business practices that are safe for public health and the environment.


Health and Well-being

People and their health and well-being are our ultimate concerns. Air, water, food, and consumer products should be free of dangerous and untested chemicals.

Corporate Accountability and Transparency

Manufacturers of chemicals and products should be required to test their own products for safety, make that data public, and choose the alternatives that are safest for people and the environment.

The Precautionary Principle

Decision makers in government and business should heed the early warnings of Science. When credible evidence exists that a chemical can cause harm, business and government decision makers should err on the side of protecting people’s health.

Social and Environmental Justice

To protect the health of all people, we must address the disproportionate health effects of toxic chemicals caused by systemic racism and other social injustices. The movement to eliminate dangerous chemicals must move forward in partnership with Environmental Justice, Reproductive Justice, and other related movements working to address the pressing social justice issues of our day.

Healthy Economy

A healthy economy is one in which people’s fundamental needs are met efficiently, businesses are accountable, resources are shared in a way that minimizes disparities, and overall levels of consumption are sustainable. The true measure of a society’s health is not how much it consumes, but rather how effectively it meets the fundamental needs of all its people.

Healthy Democracy

Corporate influence over environmental health policy, regulation and enforcement, through campaign contributions and other means, undermines democracy and puts the health of people at risk. Court decisions have given corporations rights that should only be held by people. We believe that corporations are not people, and money is not speech.


By working together, government, community members, NGOs, and responsible businesses can eliminate the growing threat to human health posed by toxic chemicals and irresponsible business practices.

The Giraffe Heroes Project

The Giraffe Heroes Project moves people to stick their necks out for the common good, and gives them tools to succeed.

The world needs people who stick their necks out for the common good. The Giraffe Heroes Project has been a pioneer in finding and honoring such people. “Giraffe Heroes” are men and women, young and old, from every ethnic and economic background, and they’re tackling every public problem you can think of, from environmental pollution to gang violence. Others see, hear or read these stories and are moved into action themselves, helping solve the public problems of most concern to them.

Alliance For Nuclear Responsibility

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility works to educate and protect the citizens of the State of California and future generations from the dangers of radioactive contamination. They support educating the public on options for energy generation, the dangers of aging nuclear plants and the increasing production and storage of high-level radioactive waste on California’s coastal zone.

Back from the Brink

Excerpt from Back from the Brink:

Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War is a national grassroots campaign that brings local communities together to build the public support and political will needed to fundamentally change U.S. nuclear weapons policy and prevent nuclear war.

The threat of nuclear war is real and growing, yet many people are unaware of the danger, or the harmful here-and-now impacts of developing and maintaining our nuclear arsenal. Others may be concerned but don’t feel as if they have any say on the issue or a meaningful way to get involved and make a difference. As a result, policymakers don’t hear many concerns about nuclear weapons from their constituents and feel little pressure to act.

Back from the Brink aims to change this equation by helping give everyone a voice on the issue and providing a way to build a politically powerful and diverse constituency demanding real change.

Beyond Nuclear

Beyond Nuclear is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes. Specifically, the organization aims to educate and activate the public about the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abandon both to safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is sustainable, benign and democratic. The organization works with diverse partners and allies to provide its members, the public, government officials, and the media with the critical information necessary to move humanity toward a world beyond nuclear. 

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The Bulletin began as an emergency action, created by scientists who saw an immediate need for a public reckoning in the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One mission was to urge fellow scientists to help shape national and international policy. A second mission was to help the public understand what the bombings meant for humanity.

These scientists anticipated that the atom bomb would be “only the first of many dangerous presents from the Pandora’s Box of modern science.” They were all too correct. Humanity now faces additional threats from greenhouse gases, cyber attacks, and the misuse of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.

The Bulletin equips the public, policymakers, and scientists with the information needed to reduce man-made threats to our existence.

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation is a national nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to enhancing peace and security through expert policy analysis and thought-provoking research.

Their mission is to seek to reduce nuclear weapons arsenals, halt the spread of nuclear weapons, and minimize the risk of war by educating the public and policy makers.

Committee to Bridge the Gap

The Committee to Bridge the Gap is a non-profit nuclear policy organization focusing on issues of nuclear safety, waste disposal, proliferation, and disarmament.

Each victory leads to the next; each builds momentum, educates the public and media, and increases pressure on decisionmakers to eventually do the right thing. But it requires persistence, patience, and support.

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) bans nuclear explosions by everyone, everywhere: on the Earth's surface, in the atmosphere, underwater and underground.

Excerpt from CTBT website:

Why is the CTBT important?

It makes it very difficult for countries to develop nuclear bombs for the first time, or for countries that already have them, to make more powerful bombs. It also prevents the huge damage caused by radioactivity from nuclear explosions to humans, animals and plants.

Over 2000 nuclear explosions from 1945 to 1996

Over 2000 nuclear tests were carried out between 1945 and 1996, when the CTBT opened for signature: by the United States (1000+), the Soviet Union (700+), France (200+), the United Kingdom and China (45 each). Three countries have broken the de facto moratorium and tested nuclear weapons since 1996: India and Pakistan in 1998, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 2006, 20092013, twice in 2016 (January and September) and 2017.