2012 Fukushima Updates


Click on the Date above each post to see the original posting, podcasts, and transcripts.

February 11th, 2012

Cold weather in Japan has caused many pipes at the Fukushima Reactors to burst. Many of these pipes were carrying radioactive water through them, which is now leaking out. TEPCO plans to insulate these pipes to ensure no more burst, but not until the spring. Better late than never. Listen to the interview to hear the full update. 

March 28th, 2012

Rick at SolarIMG hosted this interview with Arnie for an update on the situation at Fukushima Daiichi. Rick and Arnie discuss the recent discovery of incredibly high decay rates in the containment area of reactor 2 and resulting bioaccumulation, the mainstream media failures regarding this event, the lack of testing of imported products, leukemia rates in our children and grandchildren, and the debris and ocean contamination. This interview with SolarIMG is a MUST listen.

May 18th, 2012

Arnie gives updates on Fukushima's units 1, 2, 3, &4. The Upper floors of unit 4 are knocked down by TEPCO to allow easy access to the spent fuel. A foundation will be built for a crane to lift out the spent fuel bundles, but the bundles could be damaged which could prove problematic. Listen to the Interview to get the full update.

Tom Harvey of EcoReview hosts Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education. The two discuss: an update on Fukushima Daiichi; a look at why not all nuclear power plants are safe, especially plants like the currently shutdown California San Onofre nuclear generating station; and the use of alternative sources of energy for the United States and the world. Also, speaking in this segment is Regenerative Agriculture and energy expert David Blume.

June 27th, 2012

WBAI's Robert Knight hosts Arnie Gundersen, of Fairewinds Energy Education, for an update concerning the ongoing situation in Japan. Gundersen and Knight talk about the science of bioaccumulation in the Pacific Ocean and on the Japanese mainland and the current status of radioactivity surrounding the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Gundersen and Knight also discuss the magnitude of radioactive contamination inside Japanese homes and outdoors in Tokyo parks.

Arnie Gundersen discusses TEPCO's latest analysis that, almost two years after the accident, fully substantiates Fairewinds long held position that the explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 was the result of a detonation shock wave. Arnie also discusses troubling reports that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been avoiding the analysis of damage to many nuclear plants' emergency cooling systems (Ultimate Heat Sink) from storm surges, tsunamis or dam failures. The ramifications of both of these issues on old designs and also the AP1000 are also analyzed in depth.