100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything

Author: Mark Z. Jacobson (2021)

Numerous laws – including the Green New Deal – have been proposed or passed in cities, states, and countries to transition from fossil fuels to 100% clean, renewable energy in order to address climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity. This textbook lays out the science, technology, economics, policy, and social aspects of such transitions. It discusses the renewable electricity and heat generating technologies needed; the electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen storage technologies required; how to keep the electric power grid stable; and how to address non-energy sources of emissions. It discusses the history of the 100% Movement, which evolved from a collaboration among scientists, cultural leaders, business people, and community leaders. Finally, it discusses current progress in transitioning to 100% renewables, and the new policies needed to complete the transition. Online course supplements include lecture slides, answers to the end-of-chapter student exercises, and a list of extra resources.

Information Digest

Author(s): US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (published annually)

A compilation of facts and information about the NRC and the nuclear

industry, available in print and online. Includes information about the NRC finances and activities, US and worldwide nuclear energy, currently operating nuclear reactors, uranium mining and other nuclear materials, and radioactive waste.

Citizen Scientist

Author: Frank von Hippel (1991)

“Blessed are the troublemakers,” writes von Hippel, noted physicist and leading advocate for public interest science. “Written with an astute understanding of issues underlying public policy, Citizen Scientist is a reasoned plea for a more knowledgeable public, a humane policy process, and a safer planet.”

Nuclear Roulette: The Truth About the Most Dangerous Energy Source on Earth

Author: Gar Smith (2012)

“Award-winning journalist Gar Smith dismantles the core arguments behind the nuclear-industrial complex’s purported “renaissance.” While some critics are familiar-- nuclear power is too costly, too dangerous, and too unstable- - others may surprise...”

Power Struggle: The Hundred Year War Over Electricity

Author(s): Richard Rudolph & Scott Ridley (1986)

The hundred year history of the electric power business in the United States. The conflicts between public and private interests are highlighted, as well as the politics behind energy policy.

Chain Reaction: Expert Debate & Public Participation in American Commercial Nuclear Power, 1945-1975

Author: Brian Balogh (1991)

An examination of the Atomic Energy Commission, commercial nuclear power, and the role of experts in public policy debate.

“An excellent and pioneering study of a pervasive problem in the historical relationship between science and public policy” (Samuel Hays, University of Pittsburgh).

The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation

Author: Harvey Wasserman (1999)

“Waging constant war against public ownership, the industry could have gone solar in the 1950s, but opted for the trillion-dollar dead end of atomic energy. Now, through deregulation, it wants YOU to pay.”

Power Play: The Fight to Control the World’s Electricity

Author: Sharon Beder (2003)

“A compelling and fast-paced account of the decades-long struggle to wrest control of electricity from public hands... an essential guide to the contemporary industrial, environmental, and political landscape.”

Carbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for US Energy Policy

Author: Arjun Makhijani (2007)

Makhijani, the President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research with a PhD in nuclear fusion, tells us how we can lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change without resorting to nuclear power,  and without damaging our economy.

Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era

Author: Amory Lovins (2011)

"Reinventing Fire shows us that we neither need to freeze in the dark, nor go back to the Stone Age, to ensure a healthy, habitable planet for ourselves and our descendants." --Andy Kerr, Home Power