About a Mountain

Author: John D’Agata (2010)

“When John D’Agata helps his mother move to Las Vegas one summer, he begins to follow a story about the federal government’s plan to store nuclear waste in a place called Yucca Mountain... Here is the work of a penetrating thinker whose startling portrait of a mountain in the desert compels a reexamination of the future of human life.”

Frequently Asked Questions on License Renewal of Nuclear Power Reactors

Author(s): Division of License Renewal, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2006)

FAQs on license renewal, addressing the environmental review process, health concerns, waste disposal, security, public involvement, and more.

Information Digest

Author(s): US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (published annually)

A compilation of facts and information about the NRC and the nuclear

industry, available in print and online. Includes information about the NRC finances and activities, US and worldwide nuclear energy, currently operating nuclear reactors, uranium mining and other nuclear materials, and radioactive waste.

The Tainted Desert: Environmental and Social Ruin in the American West

Author: Valerie Kuletz (1998)

“This study serves as the first comprehensive account of the impact of nuclearism on Native Americans in the U.S. Southwest-- and account that also points to a much larger problem of nuclear colonialism worldwide, in which nuclear activities continue on lands historically inhabited by indigenous people.”

Too Hot To Touch The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste 

Author(s): William M. Alley and Rosemarie Alley (2013)

William and Rosemarie Alley provide an engaging and authoritative account of the controversies and possibilities surrounding disposal of nuclear waste in the US, with reference also to other countries around the world.